Thursday, April 27, 2006

Any number can play

Yup, at least when it comes to exams.. Had one today, it was fun once I regained control of my nerves. Looking at organs in microscopes and guessing what they are aren't that hard once you get used to it, obviously, just a few out of eighty odd who didn't pass. But on the other hand I think our examiners where kind.

Now I'm on holiday, until tuesday morning at least. Hopefully it'll be a good weekend, lots of partying and perhaps some snogging, who knows.

Oh, I got to ride a classmates longboard today, I think I'll buy one, will have to steal Js or Ss this summer and try out for a week or two.. but if it's even half as fun as it was today I will simply have to get one.

XoXo / Monkey Boy

PS. if you read this and know me you are welcome to my appartment this evening before we go to vasa.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Amazing Grace

Isn't it amazing how much one can get done once one gets his ass of the chair, stops dilly-dalling with his friends and starts moving.
Today I've managed to get a lot of reading done, got through all the questions, twice, bought a pair of jeans and a pair of shoes and last but not least, found a new hoppy, taunting small children on lunarstorm.. Yes, I know I'm being easily amused, but I really can't help myself, it's like selling crack to addicts, or something. But M. It'll ruin all my studying, can't wait for the next reply from the boyos. (And no, that isn't a typeo, it's supposed to be "boyos")

Another amazing thing is what happened at the jeans store, the girl working there recognised me since the last time I was there, so she didn't try to sell me the exact same jeans, I got away cheap, that's why I also bought a pair of shoes, unfortuanetly they're white, so I suppose no key bar, ey M.

Easily amused / Monkey Boy

Monday, April 24, 2006

Whisper in time

Don't really know what my title means today. Just like the words..

Short update since nothing interesting has happened today, unless I tell you that my money from the government has arrived, so now I can afford more alcohol..

I haven't had time to do anything interesting since I've been studying, rather hard acctually. And tomorrow it's time to take it to the next level, I have 172 questions with answers, which, if I learn them all, might help me pass this exam. So here goes nothing. Gonna be at the library from 9 AM until I'm done with a short break to go downtown and buy a pair of jeans, "because I'm worth it"

Kinda stressed / Monkey boy

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Crashing around you

This post isn't something anyone should read. It isn't even something I should be writing. Or should or shouldn't, not that it matters, it simply won't contain anything worth writing or reading.
Sounds like most of my blogging doesn't it?

Spent this weekend trying to get some studying done, went so-so. Could have been better, could have been worse. Now I have two days left to learn the theory, got my exam on wednesday morning. After that I have time for some food and after that I'll have to sit down with my microscope and all the samples and learn them all for the exam on the samples, which is late thursday morning, might even become an allnighter, just bring a sleeping bag so I can crash for a few hours.. Those who live will find out I suppose.

Oh, by the way, I'm watching Matador as I'm writing this, it's a nice, although rather weird movie. You should all watch it if you get the opportunity.

Ta ta / Monkey Boy

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Oh my gosh

Yes, exactly like that, "Oh my gosh!"

Never thought that some sleep and waking up to sunshine could do so much for ones day. I've been a good boy today, studied, went grocery shopping and took a stroll through downtown Gothenburg. Just walking around looking at people makes me happy in some perverted way. (And no, I'm not referring to looking at scantily clad women which there are quite alot around.) Although that doesn't make my day any worse if we say so..

But it got me thinking about one of the things I wrote last night, do I really want a "real" girlfriend, and by real I mean a steady gf that I walk around holding hands with and stuff, or do I only want spooning and sex? I don't know, suppose I'll have to consider this for a bit.

And now for something completely different. Recently I realised that some people I acctually know read this blog (and yes, I know that I've mentioned it before, but I forgot a thought back then) and that brings up the question of how personal I should get in this blog. What if I have some horrible secrets, or simply personal shit that noone needs to know, should I write it then? I suppose I'll have to take a long thinker on that one.

Chilling in the sun / mOnkey bOy

Friday, April 21, 2006

Keine Lust

Well this wasn't the best day to say the least. Been a downright shitty day. Nothing really concrete, just a general total of ass. Some sort of combination of sleepdeprivation, a not very great after work, alcohol doesn't seem to agree with me, and some other shit. Seems I might have been an ass without even realising it. Makes me somewhat scared as I really haven't felt like I was being unfriendly, I both want to and don't want to know what in particular I have done..

In other news the day only got worse once I got home, never thought I'd long for someone to hold me/to hold after a shitty day. I would almost have preffered it to having finished my studies, someone who would give me a hug and then snuggle up with me and watch something totally uninteresting on the telly and simply BE.

Falling asleep on the couch / Monkey Boy

ps. M. I survived. At least there was one good thing today.

Didn't think that this day would improve until I fell asleep, but my wonderful friends in =wub= can make anyone smile. The day isn't all shite at least.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The importance of being idle

I got to spoon this morning. yay.
With my roommates exgf. not so yay perhaps.

But whatever, stuff happens, and in worst case I throw him out. My appartment. And besides, it IS his EX.. or am I perhaps a bad person? Who knows, I sure don't, and I don't think I care either.

And to M. I think you're right. Planning is bad, and my withdrawal is almost gone. Perhaps it's the magic of spooning.

Staying idle / Monkey Boy

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Space invaders

My roommates exgf and her friend is her to spend the night, and no, no humping :/ so yeah, I've got people invading my space.

Found out yesterday that there acctually are some people that I know who read my blog. My trip towards fame has begun. Now all I need is a plan for world domination, or maybe not, according to M. plans are the work of the devil, or women, sometimes it seems there is no difference.

No, I shouldn't be complaining, nothing to complain about really, just nothing to be happy about either.. perhaps I should just stop dreaming and start making a pass on anything that moves?
Or wait, I do have something not to cry about, I'll get to see from dusk til dawn today.

Vampire for life / Monkey Boy

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Baby hates me

heh, or something.
I don't know, last saturday I thought I'd decided on how I would run my lovelife, then last night, while trying to get to sleep, I changed my mind and decided on the opposite. It didn't seem hard as the holidays went fine.
Today I saw it again and there must be some kind of magic to this whole mess. damn.

Now for what to do, I don't know what's going on. Some times I think it might be better just to say "fuck it" and move on to any other girl. But maybe it isn't that easy? So I guess we'll just have to wait and see what the future might bring, or not bring.
Still, I'm aiming to get drunk soon again and carry on the fine examples of Easter.
"We're the seven drunken pirates, we're the seven deadly sins."

Wonder what sin I am, pride, avarice, or gluttony? / Monkey Boy

ps. and for those of you who didn't get it, the blogtitle references to the song by Danko Jones. ds

Monday, April 17, 2006

The memory remains

phew, just spent nigh on two hours trying to remember what i put as the answer to my secret question on my gmail account. I managed to forget the password to not only my username here on blogspot, but also the password to my gmail... and no, this wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't just left my parents home where i spent the holidays to go "home"* to my own appartment and computer where nothing is stored.

But, like the computergenius I'm not, I managed to break into gmail by knowing my extremely lame sense of humour when answering secret question, I mean, who ever expects to use the "secret question"..?

*"home" is such a difficult word, or at least it is for me who lives something like 80km from my parents. Sometimes home is the appartment and sometimes it's my parents house. How does one define which "home" one talks about? Well, I suppose I can keep saying "go south" when I mean that I'm going to my parents.

Hope you all had a nice and laidback easter / Monkey Boy

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The day after.

Late last night. But DAMN it was fun. Didn't make a total ass out of myself, didn't lose any friends.
Got too drunk, threw up on a hedge, drank some more, went to the pub, drank more.
Left the pub, searched for food. Fed. Walked around with J. and talked for half an hour or something. Solved all of life's great problems, both mine and his, or at least his.


Woke up. No hangover. So yeah fuckers, "who da man?!"

And by the way S. your music sucks donkey.

Ready for more / Monkey Boy


In hindsight, there is actually one or two things I wish I hadn't done. Textmessages is the work of the devil.
"And if I get drunk, well I'll pass out on the floor now baby, you won't bother me no more."

Friday, April 14, 2006

Status report

Our accomplishments to date have been sufficient to establish both short-term and long-term progress goals with respect to the original specifications concerning our project taking into account the standard challenges and requirements expected in any endeavour of this size and scope with parameters factored in to establish goal oriented delivery of successful products to our customers concerning both this asset and our futuer plans.
I expect continued results in this vein.

Sounding off / Monkey Boy

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What this is all about.

Well I'd be happy if he or she who knows would be so kind as to tell me.

My life today:
Quite satisfied, slightly tired, had a a headache but took some aspirinequivalents and feeling fine now.
Spent 3 hours at my local library, acctually studying, more than I thought I would possibly achieve. Bumped into my latest crush too, would have asked her to have coffee with me but she was working so I never bothered, in hindsight it would have been kinda nice to do that of course, since she's working in a coffeeshop.

-"How can I help you?"
-"A cup of Earl Grey and a sandwich"
-"Anything else?"
-"Yes, would you join me as company?"

Or maybe that would just have been weird? Well I suppose I'll never know, won't see her at work before this weekend when I hope to find out what's going on with us. Probably nothing but one can always hope.

Over and out, high on life, no painkillers that is / Monkey Boy

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Who then now?

Three times the charm goes the old saying. While this isn't my third post it is my third day posting here. But what sort of charm is it that the three times are? Does this mean that someone will read my blog? Or maybe even post a comment for me?

Not much new about me, been trying to study some histology but it's not easy, I suppose I'll have to go to the library tomorrow to get a few hours concentrated work done.

I'll try to be back later on this evening with another update.

Todeloo / Monkey Boy

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What is love?

Writing the heading for this post made me feel like bloody Haddaway, and if you don't know who he is you don't deserve to know who he is.

I was just reading the latest book I've managed to get my hands on, "A long way down" by Nick Hornby and I got to thinking about love and my love life, or more correctly my lack of it. Not that the book seems to be discussing love in any greater deal, but what do I know, I've only read two thirds of it.
Well to answer my own, and Haddaways question, I haven't got the slightest clue, but I think I might be develpoing a crush as I write this. (Is that the correct term by the way, to "develop" a crush? Since I don't have it yet I mean.)
Cute and funny, the only two questions left are if I want her for a girlfriend and whether or not she is interested, but I suppose I'll find out this weekend if she throws the party she's been speaking about (and invited me to).

Keeping up the fast pace / Monkey Boy

Second day

Still going strong. Not really sure what to put down but here goes nothing.

Spent fifteen minutes at the dentists today, the sound of drilling really gets me on edge, lucky for me I've only needed it done once. And no, I don't treat my teeth like friends, they are bad teeth that must be punished with sugar.

All for now / Monkey Boy

Monday, April 10, 2006

Quickie update

Can't resist the feeling of spreading my words over the imfamous interweb. It feels wonderful and silly at the same time.
And I still haven't got anything interesting or even slightly entertaining to put down on this virtual piece of paper. Only more ramblings about nothing. Who knows, I might never get a life worth writing about?

Cheerio / Monkey Boy

Up and running

New day, old face.

Decided to get myself a blog. Yeah, I'm a real sucker for trends.. but on the other hand it took me goddamn long to get on the train.

Never done anything like this before, will have to wait and see if anyone ever bothers following my rants and sporadic updates (no, I don't think I'll be very good at updating regularly) for more than a few days.

And to those who know me, or at least think you know me, I only write in English to be special. I seriously don't give a shit if English speakers understand what I write.

Cheers / Monkey Boy