Sunday, July 30, 2006


Not yet though, don't know if I'll still be awake by then, already feeling tired looking out onto the freeway. It feels strange being back in Gothenburg, strange but nice. I'm only here for somewhat less than a week for an exam and some boozing but it's nice, the flat really feels like home today. Did some small rearrangments and dreamt about how I'm gonna plan it.
Visited IKEA for few minutes too, bought a lamp and looked at a table and a couple of chairs that really liked. Seriously need to start looking for a good couch soon, they're hard to find, and expensive..

Got pretty much planned this week, studying during the days yes, and most evenings are booked as well, tuesday is quiz night I think, wednesday is the Dropkick Murphys concert and thursday is probably post-exam drinking with parts of my class.
The exam thursday morning is the reason why nothing much has happened recently, when I've not been working I've been studying, no fun at all but neccesary. But now all that is over, now it's time for alcohol and fun fun fun.

Monkey with a longing for fun. /Monkey Boy

Monday, July 17, 2006

Never let me down again

Back again, sorry to have left you all without my deep insights, my witty comments and of course, my very personal reflections on my love life or lack thereof.

The reason behind the lack of updating has been a lack of personal agony and trouble, maybe I'll find some this weekend to share with you all and make our world a better place to be. I spend my weekdays working, selling glasses, and evenings trying to study anatomy for an exam in just over two weeks, it'll be interesting to see if I'll have studied enough in time.

Plans for the future, no, not really, the day before the exam I'm going to a consert, after the exam it's time to get my flat in order, needs some new paint, a little new wallpaper and a whole lot of furniture. And on top of this I'm hoping to get time to go to Germany on a day trip to stock up on alcohol for the fall, God knows I'll need it if I'm gonna keep up with the rest of my class.

Probably all from the monkey today, taaa / Monkey Boy

Oh, yeah, I ordered an Ipod yesterday, that makes me a happy panda. or monkey. whatever.