The worst day since yesterday
Well, this was a weird night if nothing else, first I had some wine with S1 and S2, S1 then proceeded to tell me not to make a move on J, something that I wasn't going to do anyways, I'm simply not interested in that girl.. What blows my mind is that I then asked S1 who I could make a move on and she told me that A was ok, and i mocked the offer since I've always felt A was young but wouldn't admit it and just acted old.. Later on A turned up and she turned out to have a wonderful fucking brain, ergo she was soooo much better than I remembered her.
Drunken stupidness then ensued and I was waaay obvious in what I wanted from A, which was fine until we decided to try find another party, which is when I lost her, she just disappeared.
But on the other hand, when I was running around looking for her I found S3 who I haven't seen in like three months, and we'll probably get together in a week or two and have fun, yay. I also found that E is working as a doorman at one of the better places in V, so know I know three different people who can help me get in fast and for free. niiiice.
Hopefully A will reappear sooner or later and get in touch so that we can continue our discussions and I can continue being pathetically obvious, I'm just too old and tired to bother with playing all those games, it's easier to be honest from the start.
Good night.
Drunken stupidness then ensued and I was waaay obvious in what I wanted from A, which was fine until we decided to try find another party, which is when I lost her, she just disappeared.
But on the other hand, when I was running around looking for her I found S3 who I haven't seen in like three months, and we'll probably get together in a week or two and have fun, yay. I also found that E is working as a doorman at one of the better places in V, so know I know three different people who can help me get in fast and for free. niiiice.
Hopefully A will reappear sooner or later and get in touch so that we can continue our discussions and I can continue being pathetically obvious, I'm just too old and tired to bother with playing all those games, it's easier to be honest from the start.
Good night.